We provide a convenient & safe driving environment for drivers and
workers by applying autonomous driving technology across all industries such as
general vehicles,
electric street sweepers, trucks and yard tractors for ports.
In the near future, autonomous vehicles will be used in various industries on a daily basis. SkyAutoNet's autonomous electric street sweeping vehicle performs road maintenance without a human operator, providing a safer working environment and a cleaner city for everyone.
Our street sweeper uses information collected by various sensors to identify/determine objects such as vehicles, pedestrians, object movement, obstacles & pollutants while cleaning roadways along designated routes provided by our autonomous fleet management system.
SkyAutoNet is researching and developing various autonomous/mobility solutions to support smart city projects
Vehicle and Obstacle
Movement Identification
Detected & Identify
Curb Information
Detailed Pedestrian
Detection Analysis
SLAM & HD Map Localization
Traffic Lights and
Road Sign Detection
Automatic Charging
Remote Control and
Multipath Designation
Sensor Monitoring
Autonomous vehicles in transportation has great time & cost saving merits as well as reducing accidents due to worker fatigue. We develop our own HW and SW for autonomous commercial and special purpose vehicles.
We are currently developing and testing autonomous commercial vehicles by providing our own customized autonomous HW and SW modules.
Vehicle Modification for Autonomous Driving
Data Log Storage System
Bird's-Eye View Object Analysis
Camera Module Compatibility
Driving Safety Level Determination
Judge driving level of safety
Wireless Control and Multipath Designation
Commercial Vehicle Control
Sensor Monitoring
Logistics plays a significant role in the 4th Industrial Revolution as it physically connects all industries. Leading countries are using IoT/Big Data/AI technology to create smart connected ports.
We are currently developing and testing an autonomous 'Yard Tractor' which will be one of many port service vehicles to be introduced in the near future.
We are currently developing an autonomous 'Yard Tractor' that detects the
movement of various objects
(people, containers and other vehicles) to help
reduce accidents, improve port traffic and optimize work flow/efficiency.
Multimodal Sensing System
Tractor Movement/Stop Information
Route Optimization
Pedestrian Detection & Movement Analysis
Bird's-Eye View Object Analysis
Accident Prevention & Avoidance System
Container Location Information
Sensor Monitoring
▲DTG무상점검센터(원주_문막휴게소)와피톤치드방역서비스/그림=스카이오토넷제공㈜스카이오토넷은 한국교통안전공단(TS)(이사장 권용복)과 용역계약을 체결하고, 8월부터 오는12월22일까지‘운행기록 장치 무상점검센터’를 운...
2021.10.15이텍산업㈜과 ㈜스카이오토넷은 지난7월15일 세종시에서 자율주행 청소차 시연회를 진행했다.이날 이텍산업 책임 실무자를 비롯한 스카이오토넷 임직원 등이 참석했다.자율주행 청소차의 운행 방법으로는 다음과 같다.관제사이트에...
2021.07.16지난2020년3월25일 일명‘민식이법’인 교통안전 강화개정법률이 시행되면서 많은 운전자들이 어린이보호구역을 통과해 운전하는 것에 대해부담을 느끼고 있다.이에 스카이오토넷(에이다스원)은 어린이들의 생명을 보호하고 운전...